

There Are A Number Of Ways To Help Your Business

“Fly Above The Rest”







Where do you want yours to be?

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We want to give small fleets and Independent Contractors a sample of some of the basic planning information that we address in our programs.

Small fleets and independent contractors make up the majority of the trucking industry and many of you operate with your own authority.

Most of you, however, are leased to fleets or have other operating arrangements. The benefit of working through major fleets or others is that they can leverage their size for some of your major costs and issues.

Click through some of the above topics for additional detail on issues addressed in our programs.

If you are leased to a fleet, ask if they offer our-type programs.


We would like to leave you with a few quick tips to think about…

Miles have a bigger impact on your profits than anything else in your business
Miles are a result of what you personally do in your day-to-day operations
Fuel is your largest cost behind payroll
Fuel costs are affected by your equipment, fuel price, getting surcharge and how you operate your equipment
Speed affects your fuel cost more than any other parameter in your operation
Not adjusting personal expenses to the economic environment is one of the main reasons people get into financial problems today
Others, especially new to the business, do not escrow enough (or any) for taxes, maintenance or tires

